Sunday, October 28, 2012

Damn it feels Good

Damn, it feels good to be imbibing in the Great State.  On the two blusteriest days of October the folks that brought you "Hippies washed with Rain Fest" in Y-P-S-I and "I Cant feel my goddamned Extremities Fest" in G-R, once again give you "Let's Drink the Great States Finest in a Parking Lot Fest".  Yes, Heroes and Hobbits, THE Michigan Brewers Guild Fall Fest '12 Edition.  And what a festivus soiree it was...for 2 Days folks.  Justin' cases you missed it, and shame on your naughty bottom if you did, I of course have endowed this manuscript with the most delicious brews the Hombre got greased upon.  And in no particular order, except alphabetized by brewery, Viola...

  • Arcadia- B-Craft Firkin

  • Atwater- Voodoo Vater & Blueberry Cobbler Porter

  • Dark Horse- Death Star Raspberry chocolate Stout

  • Filling Station- Omena Harvest Ale

  • Founders- Harvest Ale Wet Hop IPA

  • Greenbush- Isole over Cranberries Bourbon Barrel Firkin, Chai Life Jewish Strong ale with smoked apples and smoked honey, Minor Rage w/Orange, Insufficient Kitchen Double Brown w/Telicherry Peppercorn, Vanderbush American Trippel w/Vandermill Cider Reg & BA,

  • Jolly Pumpkin- La Parcela

  • Liberty Street- C Monster Double IPA, Pooh Bear Honey Porter, Clementine Lemon Thyme

  • The Livery- String of Ponies Firkin, Pushing Up Davies IPA

  • Redwood- Imperial Hazelnut Coffee Cream Stout

  • Rochester Mills- Mills Pils Czech Pilsner

  • Short's- Black Chai Experimental Cream Ale, Funkin Punkin, The Fizzness Experimental Belgian IPA with Fruit, Bourbon Dirty Bird Barrel Aged Imperial Brown Ale, Black Cherry Porter

  • Tri-City- Belgian Pale Ale, Mon Tresor Belgian Trippel, Giant Slayer Russian Imperial Stout
And I would be rather remiss not to mention all the fine human beings and wondrous Breweries that the Hombre had a chance to kibitz, schfitz and kvetsh with, whilst downing copious amount of the most marvelous nepenthe conjured in the Great State.
Matt, Mark & Jason who made the long drive from Atwater, Scott Farney from Sausaguck, King & Queen Sherwood, Tarek Kanaan, Rob D's Dad (Jim Brown), Scott Graham, Eric Briggeman, Shannon Kuchera, Rick Ross running security in the VIP, Beau Loncharte, Mr & Mrs & 2/3 WOJ, Scott NB, Handsome Rob, The Murphys, Sean and all the great people who care from Short's, Joe & J over at Tri-City, The lovely crew from Filling Station,  Scott, Joe, Steve and all the other Greenbushers, Wiggs at DH, Pops Kuhnenn, Brother Joe, Bearded Rob and HOP-Man from Liberty St, Jared Gild who just so happens to be everywhere (But no Lew Bega?!), Kyle and Eric from MP, The Bristows, Matt F***in' Schuett, Kyle and Kyle, Dirty John and Hilary, Libby & Harry, Addis & Kelly, Lola & Tripp's Mom and Dad, Uncle Tim & Kendra & Bill & Joanne & Joan and just how many people did you bring?!?!? Jon von Pippenbrockovich, Emily & Michael from Betty's, Barbera d'Asti, Woodburn & Michelle, Scotty D and Candace and the rest o' you Great Staters, old & young, young & hot, hot & dressed in scantily clad Halloween attire, all y'all.  Thanks for making this another mad event in the motor city. 

See you cats & kittens at the next shindig>>> They're throwin it, we're drinken it. 

Winter Beer Festival, February 23, 2013 @ Fifth Third Park, Comstock Park
Please and Thank You: All the hard woking, no thanks getting, time volunteering, out in the cold standing, late staying, putting up with all of us, men & women of the MBG. Become an Enthusiast and support the Great State. The MBG site (Click on it Non-Believer)
Keep Hope Alive and a tasty beverage close at hand.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Don't call it a...

Do not call it a...Swag-YOLO-As Ush'...My how we have degraded, hated and mutilated the Eeeeenglish language.  Almost as bad as the euthanization of taste, ney the ability to stand up for hooch that is tasty, in lieu of liquid that we have ingeniously marketed to be told tastes good.  Add two (2) logo glasses and that's the best Schneegleberry Gin ever made in Qatar endorsed by Johnson Jackson.  Send me 576 Gift Packs. 

But hey, who doesn't like a gift pack.  SOOOOOOO, I'm coming back with some Holy-day cheer, fresh out the boca just for all you non-believers.  We gone'be spreading the religion of the finer glass fillers.  And what in the H! can you do to make these here hallowed "World Series-Halloween-Election Day-Thanksgiving-Chanukah-Christmas" beverages feckin' grate...Ask, please ask, be adventurous.

So, look out teeth, look out gums, over the lips and here Uncle Javy...continues these shenanigans. 

Naughty Naughty.

Please and Thank You: To anyone and everyone that has ever spent too much on a bottle o'wine, drank off the top shelf or insisted upon craft draught..You are tip top.

Keep Hope Alive and never count out Javy. Cha Chi ChaCha Chi Cha Cha Cha